Some of my favourites from April. You can see all of April's doodles here or follow along daily on Instagram.
April means I'm a third of the way through this 365 project (it also means we're a third of the way through the year... eek!)
New sketchbook. New markers! Still looking for the perfect marker but enjoying the pursuit.
New mini challenge within the challenge... Faces! While I'd be quite happy drawing flowers every day, it's always good to do more of the things you don't love. In terms of drawing, that means people... or to be more specific, faces. Sunday nights are for face practice. I kind of hate it but it's good for me... or something!
I started stretching beyond just markers and began playing with cut up colouring books, a bit of collage, more washi tape and even a bit of stitching. Fun! A bit more time consuming than just drawing but full of potential.
While drawing day to day in April felt good, when I look back over the month's pages, it feels like I made less of a progression this month than in previous months. Maybe that's just because themes and styles and techniques are all over the place.
I wrote a bit about this project and my goals for it here. The desire for drawing to feel effortless, pushing past fear to share work that isn't perfect, avoiding pencils and overcoming the fear of the blank page.
Do you have a favourite marker for drawing or colouring? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!