The Kirigami Project - Free eBook
It's always a bit strange saying goodbye to a yearlong project, so it feels right to do so with a bit of a celebration rather than just letting it fade away. Kirigami is something close to my heart - it's an art of creating something beautiful out of simple materials. I think you'll find this echoed in many of the projects I produce - my philosophy in craft/art/life is to make wonderful things that don't require a huge amount of fuss or fancy materials or gourmet ingredients. Kirigami really encapsulates that - all you need is scissors and paper - origami paper is best but not necessary - and you can create really intricate and beautiful things. Even if you never make one of these projects, I hope you are inspired to make something.
Onto our final Kirigami project...
Geri and I have been working away behind the scenes prepping a little goodbye to The Kirigami Project - a look back at the year in paper cut designs in the form of an ebook.
Inside you'll find our favourite 12 designs of 2014 plus 3 NEW bonus designs to fold and cut plus a fun list of ideas for using your kirigami paper cuts. You can view and download it by clicking here or on the image above. If the links for the bonus papercuts aren't working for you, you can find them here: Bonus 1, Bonus 2, Bonus 3.
If you're new to The Kirigami Project (hi!), here's a little background:
Kirigami is a style of paper cutting - reminiscent of paper snowflakes but with so much more potential. The Kirigami Project was a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa created the kirigami designs and Geri turned them into printable templates. Each week of 2014, we shared a new kirigami design to cut and fold.
The Kirigami Project templates and gallery are still available so you'll be able to fold & cut to your heart's content at any time. Find them all here.
We do hope you've enjoyed this yearlong adventure in paper cuts and we'd love it if you'd share!
paper craft,
the kirigami project