Curves, swoops and round corners give this design its simple yet special flavour. I can't quite decide what it reminds me of... there's a bit of octopus in there, though more in the template than the final design, and a hint of Hawaiian quilt design. No matter what it resembles, I must admit to being a bit smitten with this one!
Sorry for the back-to-back kirigami posts! I usually like to keep them spaced out a bit but August is managing to be both slow and fast. The end of summer is sneaky like that.

To create your own Curvy design, use the template below and the 4-Point Folding Pattern.
Happy paper crafting! If you make your own, I'd love to see it on social media - use the tag #thekirigamiproject
The Kirigami Project is a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa creates the kirigami designs and Geri whips them into template shape! Each week In 2014, we will bring you a new kirigami design to fold and cut.