The Kirigami Project - Week 32 - Directions

Ever find yourself at a crossroads with just a few too many choices. Life feels like that sometimes, don't you think? A bit like a roundabout with all these exits but you're not quite sure which exit to take so you go round and round and round. Sometimes you just have to pick one and go (and hope for the best)!

This design feels a bit like that - a bit of a choose your own adventure - though, to be honest, is really just the result of playing with arrow shapes. I love how graphic it becomes when created out of bold black paper. I do find that each paper cut takes on a different personality depending on the colour of paper you choose.

To create your own Directions kirigami design, use the 4-point folding pattern and the template below.

I'd love to see your version of this design! If you do make it, please share on social media using #thekirigamiproject

The Kirigami Project is a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa creates the kirigami designs and Geri whips them into template shape! Each week In 2014, we will bring you a new kirigami design to fold and cut.