The Kirigami Project - Week Nine - Plum Blossom

'Tis the season for blossoms, and since flowers are pretty much my favourite thing to cut, March simply had to be full of them! Each week we'll share a new blossom-inspired kirigami design for you to try. Yes yes, there are cherry blossoms in your near future! But first...

Plum blossoms! Plum blossoms are associated with the start of spring as they are the first to bloom. If we're talking symbolism, plum blossoms represent hope and perseverance as they manage to bloom even before winter's chill has left the air.

Oh, and they're pretty!

To create your own Plum Blossom kirigami design, use the template below and the 5-point Folding Pattern. This is the trickiest of the folding patterns we'll use this year, but also my favourite!
See you back here next week for more blossom-y goodness!

Happy crafting!

The Kirigami Project is a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa creates the kirigami designs and Geri whips them into template shape! Each week In 2014, we will bring you a new kirigami design to fold and cut.