The Kirigami Project - Week Six - Heart to Heart

With Valentine's Day just a few days away, a heart-y kirigami design seemed appropriate.

Anyone else finding 2014 deliriously fast? How is it mid-February already? And, yet, how it it still winter? 

But it's okay, bring on Spring - I'm ready for green shoots and a little colour outside, aren't you? In the meantime, I'll enjoy the pink & red explosion that is the internet this time of year.

This week's design is an elegant swish of hearts. The swoop of the larger hearts kinda reminds me of kissing swans - can you see it?

To create your own Heart to Heart kirigami, use the design below and the 4-Point Folding Pattern.

Happy crafting!

The Kirigami Project is a collaborative creative project from Marisa Edghill of Omiyage and Geri Jewitt of The Languid Lion. Marisa creates the kirigami designs and Geri whips them into template shape! Each week In 2014, we will bring you a new kirigami design to fold and cut.