These envelopes were a long time coming - ever since we started carrying the
animal print washi tapes, I've been itching to turn them into pictures.
A long strip of tape makes the perfect neck for gentle giraffe....
While a velvety black nose and mane are the perfect accents for an oh-so-on-trend monochromatic zebra.
Of course, you don't have to make pictures out of tape - a classic monogram has more fun when dressed up in animal print. Details on how to make your own washi tape letters coming soon!
I think these will make for a fun mailbox surprise, don't you?
Though, I can't decide which one is my favourite!While creating pictures out of washi tape may seem daunting - it really isn't as complicated as it looks! By sticking with animal heads rather than attempting to create the whole animal, this project's difficulty drops by about 50%. Start with a reference picture (Google Images is great for this) and mentally break it down into simple shapes - for example the giraffe is made up of 7 shapes: neck, head, mane, ear, eye and two horns. Apply the tape to parchment / waxed paper and then cut out your shapes. Do a dry run, arranging the pieces and refining as necessary. Finally, peel off the paper backing and apply to your desired surface.What would you make with animal print washi tape?