Paper Demon Jewelry: Modern Jewelry, Traditional Materials

It must be clear by now that we've got a pretty big soft spot for pretty much anything with some Japanese flair.  And this is decidedly true for traditional (and not so traditional) Japanese crafts (and craft supplies!).

When we found out about Paper Demon Jewelry, we were fairly smitten.  Modern jewelry made with traditional Japanese materials?  Yes, please!  With a line of accessories ranging from bold to traditional to downright pretty and even a touch of cute, Paper Demon Jewelry is a wonderful source for unique and giftable items.  Here's a taste of some of the wonderful pieces available:

Chiyogami Gem Ring

Cherry Blossom Kanzashi Hair Stick

Origami Crane Earrings

Shoji Chokers

Want to make your own Japanese paper jewelry?  Check out this guest post from Karen of Paper Demon Jewelry sharing a fabulous tutorial for chiyogami gem pendants with matching gift tins.  It's a great DIY and perfectly giftable!