But there's just something about all the accoutrements surrounding new babies. Wee little shoes that can make even the strongest man swoon. Sweet little baby doll dresses that kick our biological clocks into overdrive. The softest of materials that we all long to be cocooned in. Oh baby!
And aren't some of the best presents the ones with a little handmade flair? This week we'll be looking at some simple crafty projects to turn an ordinary baby gift in an extraordinary one!
But first, here's some sweet baby projects we're loving from around the web.
Heather Bailey's Bittie Booties |
Martha Stewart Living's Washcloth Duckies |
Aesthetic Nest's Cut Chenille Baby Blanket via Li'l Magoolie |
Prudent Baby's DIY Pocket Bib |
Lotta Jansdotter's Snuggler via Craftzine |
Visit us again tomorrow for our first baby-licious craft idea!